Holding on to Winter

It’s February and 65F outside, but I’m not ready. Onions are planted under grow lights and baby chicks arrive in a couple weeks... but spring can take a hike as far as I’m concerned. It’s too soon.

As we look to our 3rd spring in the orchard & gardens, I can’t help but hold onto winter with everything I have.

After 13 years in an ICU under fluorescent lights… I never got to truly appreciate the changing seasons. Running from the house to the car to work and back again didn’t allow it.

But for our little homestead, winter is the time to rest, and to finish all the inside projects that were put off all summer while we worked away in the garden.

This winter we have spent every.single.day by the fire & built a walk-in refrigerator directly below our kitchen & finished 10 massive puzzles & read countless books & painted everything in the whole house dark green. We have toasted walnuts & brewed beer & rolled pasta & made yogurt.

I want to savor it all. I don’t want to miss a single moment of this restful time with my family.

Forget the birds chirping & the tulips blooming. I’ll be here by the fire, drinking wine and probably painting something green.

Love ya.


Harvesting Honey


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