Welcome to our Homestead!

Hi - I’m Luciana. My husband Luke and I live on 10-acres in South Central Kansas where we tend to a small grove of holistically managed fruit trees, regenerative gardens, honey bees, kune kune pigs, wool sheep, a flock of chickens, a dairy cow named Juliet, three kids, and a very spoiled livestock guardian dog. We grow food organically, and preserve as much bounty as possible to carry us through the winter months.

Here on our small farm, we find beauty in little things, in rolling up our sleeves, and in caring for the small piece of Earth we inhabit. Living and eating in this simple manner helps us to appreciate the hard work of each day, and to sit back and truly celebrate each other.

Come walk with us through the orchards & gardens, past the dairy cow & colorful chickens… then mosey into the kitchen for some simple scratch cooking. The table is open and you are welcome. Grab a glass and let’s fill the room with good food, good music, and lots of laughter. We’re so glad you’re here!

We offer two types of newsletters.

The FREE newsletter includes all the daily happenings on the farm, tours of our cold room & food storage, lots of photos of cute fuzzy things, yummy scratch recipes, and more.

Our PAID subscribers get the nitty gritty on orchard layout plans, tree varieties, spray schedules, butchering techniques, silvopasture, honey extraction, organic growing methods, and more. We believe in complete transparency in our regenerative farming practices and share everything right here. Thank you for supporting us!

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