Hi - We are Luke & Luciana

And this is where it started. Guatemala, 2007. We were babies back then, living on love, pennies, and adrenaline. Finding pure joy in everything life had to offer.  We found a common love for the outdoors, for simple food, for travel… and for international ministry.  We spent time with the Central American people, learning their connections to the land and their way of life.  We watched them harvest beans and gather as families to shell them. They worked and cooked and ate together as a community. And we knew that our future together would include pieces of this simple life and the truths they shared.

In 2019, we bought some chickens. That’s how it always starts, right? Over the next several years we began planting fruit trees, and then berries, and then gardens. We also added pigs & sheep & honey bees & a dairy cow named Juliet.

Luciana had the great honor to learn the art of holistic orcharding from Michael Phillips in his home orchard in New Jersey. Though orcharding is a new skill, the kitchen has been a source of life, creativity, and nourishment for decades. In 2018, Luciana started a kids cooking class with 7-9 year old girls teaching the basics of cooking from scratch, and loved every minute of it. In 2021, our kitchen opened yet again to adults this time, with a focus on farm fresh foods and heritage cooking principals.

Luke spent the majority of the last 20 years traveling the world, experiencing different cultures and cuisines, and learning farming practices across the globe… from Canada to Australia & South Korea to Peru & Germany to Cuba. He is a home beer brewer and green coffee roaster and honey bee tender and tractor driver and the best husband and dad any family could ask for.

We are living as close to the earth as we can, walking the orchard as the blooms first pop, listening to the happy honey bees as they buzz from flower to flower. These are the days we wouldn’t trade for anything.  Filling our home with people & music & wine & farm fresh food is just about as good as it gets. Welcome to our table! Grab a glass and pull up a chair. There is always room for more.

Lots of Love,

Luke & Luciana