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Pear Vinegar

I use a lot of vinegar in my cooking. The dash of acid brings out flavors in food that aren’t there otherwise. It tenderizes meats & adds depth to soup & so on.

I’ve been super curious about making homemade vinegar and have tried a few here and there. This is a recipe for pear vinegar made from the scraps of pears harvested and preserved this month.


Pear Vinegar

After processing pears, save all of the scraps (peels & cores) and place them in a large jar.

Cover the fruit with filtered water and place a piece of cheese cloth over the top. Secure cloth with rubber band to let air escape

Keep at room temperature for 1 week, stirring two times a day

After 1 week, start to look for a darkening of color and froth along the top of the liquid line.

Strain out fruit pieces (& feed them to the chickens)

Let jar sit at room temperature (still covered in cheese cloth) for 2 weeks to 1 month.

Taste at least once per week until desired acidity.

Seal jar and store at room temperature (it will continue to ferment) or place in refrigerator.