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Annie’s Granola

After the birth of our first child by c-section… my milk didn’t come in. I was woefully unprepared and cried for days. Then one of my dearest friends (Annie) showed up with loving arms & encouraging words & homemade granola. She said that the oats & honey help with milk production. She was right.

Since then, homemade granola is a regular happening in our kitchen. It makes the entire house small like a warm hug. We use this recipe for chocolate chip granola bars, sprinkle it on baked peaches, and serve it with milk for breakfast.

Annie’s Granola


4 Cups Traditional Rolled Oats

2 Cups sliced almonds

4 Tbs chia seeds (may also use flax seeds)

1/2 C maple sugar (may also use 1/2 C brown sugar -or- unsweetened coconut flakes) (optional)

1/2 C coconut oil

1/2 C honey

1/2 C dried cranberries (optional)


In large bowl, combine oats, almonds, chia seeds, & maple sugar

In a small sauté pan, heat coconut oil and honey until foamy

Pour hot honey/coconut oil mixture over dry ingredients and mix with wooden spoon

Divide mixture into TWO 9x13 glass baking dishes, lined with parchment paper

Bake at 350F for 30 minutes, stopping every 10 minutes to mix with wooden spoon

Once cool, may add dried fruit if desired

Store in freezer for 1 year

Store at room temperature for 1 month