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What’s the Difference Between Regenerative & Organic?

First tree spray done tonight! Betcha didn’t expect me to ever say that!

Many organic orchardists are coating their fruit trees in copper or sulfur this time of year. These are both “organic certified” sprays. But there is a HUGE difference between ‘organic’ and ‘regenerative.’

Copper and Sulfur are natural products, but when turned into a mist, they are pesticides that have fungicidal activity.

The goal of a fruit tree ecosystem is to maintain a fungal dominated soil . The more fungi, the better. Fungicides like copper soak into the soil and disrupt the roots ability to take up nutrients and cripple the natural immune system of the tree, leading to more disease... which requires more spray... you get the gist.

So all of our sprays are holistic. Their purpose is to BUILD the biology, to create competitive colonization of bacteria, and to provide food for the fungal zone around each tree.

Also... copper is toxic to sheep. Spraying copper in the spring right before rotational grazing begins can be devastating to our animals.