What is Regenerative Agriculture?
To me, regenerative agriculture means growing food in a way that works with nature instead of against it. It focuses on regenerating soil health, improving water retention, and supporting natural diversity.
Here are the 4 guiding principals:
1. Protect the soil. This means no digging. Digging tears apart the fragile underground fungal network, destroying natural water lines and worm tunnels. It also reawakens deeply buried weeds, which often take over newly dug ground.
2. Increase biodiversity.Our goal is to have as many plants and animals as possible. This includes livestock, fruit trees, bushes, insects, birds, bees, flowers, and so on. Nature cycles, and it takes all the pieces of nature for that cycle to function properly.
3. Integrate livestock into farming. Livestock eat grasses and cover crops. Then they urinate and on the soil, naturally fertilizing it. Dung beetles take the nitrogen from the poop deep into the soil, pocketing it for future plants to use. Animal hooves also trample the ground, aerating the soil, and leaving a layer of decomposing grass that will turn directly into compost.
4. No chemicals ... period. No pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics, or hormones. Which also means no GMOs. Chemicals alter the natural flora of the soil, killing beneficial fungi and insects along with the harmful. Without beneficial natural flora, the balance of nature is disrupted.
Hopefully this brings a little background and context to our dream farm. There is SO much we still don’t know. But moving in this direction feels good in our hearts, and it’s right for our family.