“Mom, why are you naked outside?”
The Guinea EXPERIMENT (gone wrong ):
I hypothesized that guineas will eat squash bugs without doing major damage to the pumpkins… and I was pleased that this is absolutely true!
However, if you’re looking to replicate this experiment, I have a couple suggestions.
I do NOT recommend allowing curious dogs to join the methodology. Just in case said dog may excitedly chase the entire flock out of the poly fence and into the neighbors pasture.
I also do not recommend running after the birds (and the dog) into the woods in flip flops, while yelling like a crazy person.
Nor should you take off your shirt and try to broadcast it like a net to catch the wild beasties. It doesn’t work.
In these instances… your 7 year old may run after you yelling “mom, why are you naked outside?”
I’m just saying.